After signing up to the “Objectif CO2” charter for 2019 – 2021, enabling a -37% reduction of CO2 per t.KM, and then recommitting to this charter from 2022 to 2024 with a new objective of -13% CO2 per t.KM reduction, Lact’Union has decided to go one step further by taking part in the process of “Objectif CO2” label creation for own-account companies.
- A label that recognizes and promotes wholesalers and own-account road freight transportation companies that have achieved a high level of CO2 performance.
- A label awarded following an audit, whose main purpose is to verify, by an authorized and independent third-party expert, the reliability of company data transmitted via an online tool, and the achievement of the required performance threshold.
We have therefore chosen not to commit to an action plan with a 3-year reduction objective via the charter, but to maintain a level of performance over the long term, thanks to this label.
Thank you to our CSR manager Marie Vandycke, and our Milk collections manager Ludovic Deblangy, who are spearheading this project!