In France, 1 child in 5 is in conditions of emotional and social vulnerability. 340,000 children are followed closeby by Aide Sociale à l’Enfance. (Children’s Social Welfare)
As part of its CSR policy and as a local and responsible corporate citizen, Lactinov-Groupe Lact’Union has decided to support guidance for isolated and vulnerable children thanks to local sponsorship, set up by France Parrainages, in order to:
- Create a lasting bond between an isolated and vulnerable child or young adult and a caring couple in his department🫶.
- Share enjoyable moments with your adopted godchild (during the day, at weekends or during school vacations).
- Provide emotional and educational support, as well as opening to other horizons.
- Help children or young adult to grow up, build themselves up and become fulfilled adults.
Launched in 2023 through financial support, this patronage will enable France Parrainages association to assist 13 children or young adult thanks to local patronage and to introduce them our jobs and farms. It will also be the occasion for our employees to become patrons.